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AiWebAgency Ai Intelligence System Edit Marketing Services

Marketing Services - AiWebAgency Ai Intelligence System

Ai Intelligence Identify Web Site Vistors System

• Done For You Autopilot – Ai intelligence Leads On Demand will generate leads, store them instantly in your own private lead management portal (online web site) and instantly contact and follow up with the leads to drive sales!
• On Demand (Real Time) Leads at the moment a potential interested person takes action such as visiting your web site, landing page or shopping cart.
• Automatically identify name, email, address, phone number and other details on potential clients who interact with your website and brand.
• Enrich website visitors with consumer or company contact data for targeting and AI personalization (including demographic stats like gender, age, income level and more!)
• Engage and segment these leads based on how long they were on your web site, which pages (such as a shopping cart, or specific services) and track exactly what their intent may be
• Automated Follow up and Contact System (SMS Text Message and Emails) – our Ai Intelligence system monitors your web site and detects visitors within minutes of their visit.
• Client lead data will be provided via google spreadsheet, and automatically imported to your Ai-Intelligence Software System that will send SMS Text message and email follow up campaigns to automatically nurture and convert opportunities into booked appointments and sales.
• Ai-Powered Chatbot that will provide 2-way conversations via SMS Text with these leads to answer questions and help book (or close sales).
• (optional) Identify Additional Web Site visitors beyond initial included 250 provided at $1 / identified visitor.
• Grow your email list 5X faster
• Find your ideal customer directly via demographic and interest-based consumer information

Reputation Marketing Service
• Review Eagle PRO account – full access to our reputation management platform, fully managed by our team including our reputation marketing service
• We will install custom widget code on your website to live stream the latest 5-star reviews visibly (a floating widget that stays on screen at all times), to engage clients and help increase conversions (and reduce web visitor bounce rate) without you having to modify your web site design.

$399.00 USD Monthly $100.00 Setup Fee

Order Summary

Subtotal $499.00 USD
Totals $399.00 USD Monthly
$499.00 USD Total Due Today